Chuck Schumer

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks

McConnell says Republicans have the votes to set impeachment trial rules

While Republicans are still divided over whether the Senate should eventually hear more testimony, the vast majority of them have agreed to leave the decision until after the trial has started, McConnell told a news conference.

President points directly to the camera during a speech.

Well, he did it. Trump declared a national emergency to get his wall.

A health worker takes a passenger's temperature with an infrared digital laser thermometer at Abidjan's Felix Houphouet Boigny International Airport in Cote d'Ivoire.

An Ebola patient in Dallas dies amid demands for more screening in the US


Senate Democrats continue immigration reform push

Global Politics

Sen. Richard Blumenthal Calls for Investigation of Legality of Asking Job Applicants for Facebook Passwords

International Plans to End Syrian Conflict

Over the past ten months, Syrian Security Forces have killed more than 5,000 protestors across the country. But this weekend, two key voices announced their calls to action: the Arab League will seek U.N. Security Council approval to peacefully end the rule of President Bashar al-Assad, and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer introduced a […]

The World

Should Congress Loosen Patent Laws for the Sake of the Banking Industry?

Conflict & Justice

The banking industry is always looking for ways to innovate their products and services. Sen. Chuck Schumer’s slipping in of a provision into a patent bill that would benefit the banking industry could help the industry out. Louise Story joins us.

The World

Presenting Mister Schumer

In the U.S. Senate race in New York, current Representative Charles Schumer is in a heated match with incumbent Senator Alfonse D’Amato. Following on from our piece on Senator D’Amato’s environmental record a few weeks ago, Beth Fertig of member station W-N-Y-C has this piece on Representative Schumer’s sixteen year enviro record.

The World

New Green D’Amato

There’s probably no tighter, nor more acrimonious race for public office this year than the contest between New York’s three term Republican Senator Alphonse D’Amato and his Democratic challenger, Representative Charles Schumer. Everything counts in this duel to the finish, including the environmental records of the combatants. Mr Schumer gets higher marks from environmental activists […]

The World

For dems to stay relevant, do they need a third way?

Global Politics

Two years after landslide victories for Barack Obama, Democrats were soundly defeated in many races across the country last night. Will today begin a process of soul searching for the Democrats so they’re not defeated again in 2012? J