Christopher Columbus

Italian Americans celebrating during a Christopher Columbus Day parade.

How Columbus Day contributes to the cultural erasure of Italian Americans


Given Italian history, US descendants of Italian immigrants have reason to reject their association with Columbus and stand in solidarity with Indigenous groups as they reclaim their histories.

A painted portrait of Christopher Columbus' son, Hernando Colón,

Christopher Columbus’ son’s universal library is newly rediscovered in this lost tome

An artist rendering of European soldiers disembarking from ships being greeted by two Indigenous men

European colonization of the Americas killed 10 percent of world population and caused global cooling

People take part in the 69th Annual Columbus Day Parade in New York in 2013.

More and more cities are saying goodbye, Columbus


Has Christopher Columbus’ flagship been found off the coast of Haiti?

Global Scan
The World

Does Christopher Columbus deserve a holiday?

Arts, Culture & Media

Kenneth Davis, the author of “Don’t Know Much About History: Everything You Need to Know About American History But Never Learned,” discusses the true legacy of Columbus.

The World

Educators amend Columbus Day lessons in schools

Arts, Culture & Media

For many Americans, Christopher Columbus is a hero.
But in recent years, educators, politicians and scholars have argued that students should be made aware of the uglier truths that followed his arrival in the Americas.