
bacterial nanowires

‘Bacterial nanowires’ may lead to breakthroughs in semiconductors, fuel cells and more


When certain cells are deprived of oxygen, they do surprising things — including morphing part of themselves into a long wire and breathing rocks. It may sound weird, but it’s true, and it could help develop new technologies.

Musicologist collects Saharan music with cellphones

Arts, Culture & Media
Bridgit, a junior at COSAT, and some of her classmates read books on their cell phones.

School Year Blog: The Cell Phone Revolution Continues, One Zombie Book at a Time

Arts, Culture & Media

With Spotty Cell Service, Joplin Residents Turn to Facebook

The World

Cellphones ring in North Korea

The World

Cellular worries


Cell phones may be hazardous to your health. The science is inconclusive but some states want to require warning labels on cell phones. David Carpenter is director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany.