Carol Browner

New EPA head faces challenges from Congress, industry


New EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has formidable forces, like the electric power industry and some members of Congress, standing between her and her job as mandated by President Barack Obama. She’s been tasked with forming a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants – and fast.

Reducing CO2 From the Top Down

Reilly Looks Back, and Ahead

The World

New EPA Chief

The World

Energy & Climate Czar Leaves White House

Prioritizing Climate Solutions

The president’s science advisor and energy czar talk about how to avoid ?or accommodate ?the coming climate change crisis.

Environment 2004

The environment is not at the top of the list of most voter concerns this election year. But Jeff Young reports some Democrats are betting that Bush’s environmental record will motivate enough people on Election Day to make a difference. Host Steve Curwood talks it over with former Clinton Administration official Carol Browner and Republican […]