Campaign for "santorum" neologism

The benefits of being bilingual


Fluency in just one language in the 21st century is a competitive disadvantage, and it could be holding back your brain. In a recent New York Times Op-Ed piece, Yudhijit Bhattacharjee wrote that bilingual people outperform single language speakers in cognitive tests of all kinds.

Romney wins convincing victory in Illinois primary

Global Politics

Republicans running deceptive attack ads, slamming each other

Global Politics

Rick Santorum tries to capitalize on Iowa showing as New Hampshire primary looms

Global Politics

Essay: The Roots of Opposition to the U.N. Disability Convention

Follow Friday: George Zimmerman’s Facing Charges, Santorum Exits the Race, Ann Romney Defends Motherhood and More

Every Friday, The Takeaway convenes a panel to look back at the week’s big stories. This week we hear more about the arrest of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman, Rick Santorum’s exit of the GOP presidential nomination race, Miami Marlins’ Ozzie Guillen’s foot-in-mouth disease, and more. This week we’re joined by Mary Elizabeth Williams, staff […]

Santorum Suspends Campaign

Ten months ago in June 2011, Rick Santorum announced he would run for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Supported by social conservatives and embraced by evangelical Christians, Santorum won the Iowa caucuses as well as primaries in Mississippi, Alabama, and several other states. But despite his best efforts, Santorum always seemed to be two steps […]

Rick Santorum Loses His Cool with New York Times Reporter

When reporter Jeff Zeleny asked Rick Santorum about a harsh comment he made about rival Mitt Romney, Santorum lashed out. The exchange was caught on tape by a CBS news camera, and Zeleny joins us with an update on Santorum’s words and the political strategy behind them. Jeff Zeleny is the National Political Correspondent for […]

The Bilingual Advantage

Americans have long debated whether the U.S. should have an official state language. The issue has been back in the spotlight in recent days since Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum said, “There are other states with more than one language, like Hawaii, but to be a state of the United States, English must be the […]

Friday Follow: Santorum Takes Primaries, HBO Show Runs out of Luck, March Madness Sweeps the Country


Every Friday, The Takeaway convenes a panel to look back at the week’s big stories. This week Rick Santorum wins Alabama and Mississippi, March Madness sweeps the country, and liquid detergent becomes a black market commodity. This week we’re joined by  Jeff Yang, author of the Tao Jones column for the Wall Street Journal and blogger […]