Brookings Institution

The World

US hints at frustration with Chinese monetary policy

New York Times reporter Louise Story breaks down Timothy Geithner’s speech on monetary policy at the Brookings Institution and explains a new House bill that could allow trade sanctions on China based on the artificially low value of the Chinese RMB.

President Barack Obama at his desk in the Oval Office at the White House.

The Meaning Behind the Letters Obama and Rouhani Exchanged

Global Politics

Making history and governing America

Global Politics

Rising oil prices, changing lifestyles


The Suspected Boston Bombers and the Russia Connection

Dallas Is One of Only Three U.S. Cities that Has Recovered Fully from the Recession

Last week the Brookings Institution named Knoxville, Dallas, and Pittsburgh the only three American cities to have officially emerged from the recession. Dallas is the largest metropolitan area of the three, with a population of just over 1.2 million. It also has one of the top performing economies of all U.S. cities. But Dallas is […]

Knoxville One of Three American Cities “Fully Recovered” from Great Recession

What do Pittsburgh, Dallas, and Knoxville have in common? According to our research, not much.  But recent findings from the Brookings Institution show that these three cities are the only major metropolitan areas in the United States that are experiencing an economic recovery since the recession ended in 2009. Using GDP per capita and employment figures, […]

The World

The Impact of the Chen Case on US-China Relations

Conflict & Justice

Jeffrey Bader has had an inside view of US policy toward China for several decades. He served as special assistant to President Obama, and as senior director for East Asian affairs on the National Security Council until last year.

Robert Kagan on America’s Global Influence

Historian Robert Kagan holds the distinction of influencing both Mitt Romney and President Obama’s political discourse. A foreign policy adviser to the Romney campaign, Kagan’s ideas were also evident in President Obama’s state of the union address, which disputes the claim that America is in decline.    Robert Kagan is senior fellow at the Brookings […]

The Foreign Policy Implications of Gadhafi’s Death

Col.  Moammar Gadhafi was killed this morning  in his birthplace of Sirte as forces of the National Transitional Council swept the city, according to the leader of the Tripoli military council. The reports have not been confirmed outside of the NTC. Martin Indyk, former U.S ambassador to Israel, and director of the Foreign Policy Institute at the […]