Bisphenol A

Household chemicals

A new book advises parents about how to cope with a world awash in toxic chemicals


Rates of childhood asthma, learning problems and cancer have been on the rise for decades, and toxic chemicals appear to be major culprits. In the US, most chemicals are never tested for safety before they’re brought to market. There are some steps parents and others can take to protect children and other loved ones.

California mouse

BPA exposure is linked to changes in parenting behavior in male mice


Is your BPA-free water bottle as safe as you think it is?


Is your BPA-free water bottle as safe as you think it is?


Staying safe around everyday chemicals

Health & Medicine

Link found between common chemicals and breast cancer

Health & Medicine

Research indicates early exposure to chemicals found in plastic containers and some natural food products, like soy, can lead to breast cancer.

Toxic Bodies

Author Nancy Langston talks about her new book on the history of the chemical DES and what it could mean for future regulation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

EPA’s Chemical Delay

It’s been 13 years since Congress mandated the Environmental Protection Agency test chemicals for their effects on our bodies’ hormonal systems, but the EPA still hasn’t tested a single chemical. A former EPA scientist discusses what the agency should be

Low Dose Makes the Poison

Hormone-mimicking chemicals like BPA and atrazine could be bad for human health even in tiny doses. But regulatory agencies like the EPA and the FDA only look at traditional high-dose tests when considering regulation. Endocrinologists say its time regula

Defending BPA

As lawmakers from California to Capitol Hill consider banning uses of the endocrine disruptor bisphenol-A, industries that put the chemical in food and beverage cans are strategizing how to assure the public it’s safe.