Bipolar spectrum

Form of chronic, mild depresson often goes untreated

Health & Medicine

If you’re feeling gloomy, moody and have low energy, you could have the chronic, mild depression called dysthymia.

Treating depression in Rio de Janeiro slum

Creativity and madness

The World

Health Note

The World

Health Note

The World

Health Update

Living On Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on how the level of social disorder in your neighborhood may contribute to your level of depression.

The World

Recession depression and other woes of the employed

Nationwide reports of anxiety in the face trying economic times are so widespread that the federal government has put up website warnings about mental health. Pam Belluck is covering the story for the New York Times.

The World

Bipolar disorder in children: a difficult diagnosis for parents

Health & Medicine

Treating an adult for bipolar disorder can be difficult, but what happens when it’s a three-year-old child? Guest: Jennifer Egan, novelist and New York Times Magazine contributor

The World

Most depressing jobs

Fair Game shares its thoughts on some of the most depressing jobs out there.

The World

Most depressing jobs

Fair Game shares its impressions on some of the most depressing jobs out there.