Ukraine, a former Soviet Bloc country, is torn between its deep economic and cultural ties with Russia and its desire to modernize by becoming part of the European Union. When its president chose to draw closer to Russia over the EU, some Ukrainians applauded, while others took to the streets.
The PR-firm Ketchum, was involved in placing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in the Times. Ketchum counts the Russian government as one of its clients. It scored a victory and struck PR gold by landing the piece in America’s paper of record.
The Obama administration’s call for intervention in Syria is expected to overshadow the gathering of the G-20 in St. Petersburg. Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin are bitterly divided over Syria. Host Marco Werman talks with The World’s Matthew Bell.
On Wednesday, President Obama announced his decision to cancel his summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, marking the first time that an American president has called off a publicly announced visit to Russia since the end of the Cold War. The move is largely being attributed to frustration over Russia’s decision to offer temporary asylum […]