Barack Obama presidential campaign

Advocates criticize Obama’s second-term cabinet picks for lack of diversity

Global Politics

President Barack Obama’s most recent cabinet nominations have been largely white men — a move that’s been criticized by advocates for women and people of color. They say they’re surprised and disappointed with Obama’s choices.

The U.S. economy and the global economy

Obama’s climate change pledge


President-elect Barack Obama

Global Politics

A look inside political rallies

Global Politics

Day Two at the DNC

Global Politics

The keynote speaker is Virginia’s former Governor, Mark Warner, but the star of the show will be Hillary Clinton.

Democrats Descend on Denver

Global Politics

At this week’s convention: uncertainty around Hillary Clinton supporters, and delegates still getting used to Obama’s VP choice.

Hillary Clinton goes from candidate to surrogate

Global Politics

Senator Hillary Clinton checks in from the Obama campaign trail and talks about the economy, the election and Sarah Palin.

What’s next for the candidates

Global Politics

Both Barack Obama and John McCain claim to be the agents of change the country needs.

The World

The Center at the Center of it All

A look inside the Center for American Progress, a Washington think tank that could be shaping the Obama administration’s thinking on energy and climate change.