Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Disney's Imagination Park

We’re not doing enough to recognize the creativity in kids diagnosed with ADHD


What if we’re looking at ADHD all wrong. What if people who have been labeled with ADHD are actually the people with the sort of brains that can look at a problem and find an entirely new way to solve it.

Pollutants Implicated in ADHD

New research links ADHD diagnosis with childhood mercury, lead exposure


ADHD or Sleep Deprivation?

The World

Emerging Science Note/Nature’s Way

The World

Attention! How To Lead A Focus-Driven Life


There is no calculator that can compute our national attention deficit, but it is clear there are too many stimuli competing for our precious brain time. In a world where temptations to twitter and text are 24/7, is there hope for our multi-tasked minds?