Assisted reproductive technology

An illustration of small pieces of DNA at precise areas along a DNA strand

The first genome edited babies are here. What happens next?


Commentary: The world’s first genome edited babies were inevitable and even predictable, despite an apparent disregard for all global scientific and ethical norms.

A woman walking towards a lake

In Ukraine, surrogacy is legal, but some ask if it’s exploitation

Her Body, My Baby
HSPH Forum

Delaying pregnancy in the US and around the world

Health & Medicine

In a land of kids, infertile couples face stigma, challenges

Health & Medicine

Part III: Infertile in a Land of Kids

Health & Medicine
The World

Low Cost IVF

Global Politics

IVF is now a common method of aiding conception � but it’s expensive. There are efforts to make the treatments more accessible to the poorest regions of the world. Lisa Mullins talks with Dr. Ian Cooke of the Low Cost IVF Foundation.