Art theft

An FBI poster seeking information on the Rembrandt painting, "The Storm on the Sea of Galilee."

The great Gardner caper

Arts, Culture & Media

Reporter Kelly Horan on the unsolved mystery of the Isabella Gardner Museum heist.

Arthur Brand

The Indiana Jones of the art world may solve history’s biggest art heist


High profile art heists on the rise around the world

Arts, Culture & Media

The US gives Poland back a painting stolen by the Nazis

Arts, Culture & Media

Expert says Rotterdam art heist likely an inside job, linked to drug trade

Arts, Culture & Media

Why Rembrandts are highly popular with thieves

Arts, Culture & Media

There have been 81 thefts of Rembrandts in the past 100 years — the Dutch artist is the second most stolen artist in history, behind Picasso.

The World

Gardner Museum Heist Case Might Crack

Conflict & Justice

The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum theft. The FBI calls it the largest property heist in history, and it remains officially unsolved. But the agency used the anniversary to announce developments in the case.

The FBI’s New Leads on the Greatest Art Theft in History

Twenty-three years ago this week, in a now-infamous case, a pair of thieves dressed as police officers gained entry to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, Massachusetts  and stole $500 million dollars worth of art. Geoff Kelly, special agent and the lead investigator for the FBI on the case says the agency has a new […]

Art Theft: From the Mona Lisa to Picasso’s Tete de Feme

In the past month and a half, a $200,000 Picasso sketch titled “Tete de Femme”  was stolen from a San Francisco gallery, a $350,000 Fernand Léger was lifted from a New York gallery, and eleven paintings valued at $387,000 were stolen from a gallery in Toronto.  High profile arts heists are on the rise around the world […]

The World

The Gardner Heist

Arts, Culture & Media

Twenty years ago two thieves disguised as police walked into Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner museum. An hour later they walked out with masterpieces worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Probably the biggest art theft in history, it remains unsolved, but Ulrich Boser tells Kurt he’s pretty sure he’s figured it out in his book The […]