
Edward O. Wilson sitting in a chair in his office

E.O. Wilson’s lifelong passion for ants helped him teach humans about how to live sustainably with nature


E.O. Wilson, who died Sunday, was an extraordinary naturalist and one of the world’s leading experts on ants, but his other passion was convincing humans to see themselves as part of the natural world.

An up close image of an ant in sand

Meet the fastest ants in the world: Saharan silver ants


‘Super ants’ are on a potentially deadly march in England


‘Super ants’ are on a potentially deadly march in England


Australia’s ‘magnetic’ termites interesting to study, tough to understand


Trio of U.S. researchers traveling the world, documenting ants


There are literally thousands of different species of ants around the world. A trio of American researchers are traveling the world, to museums and natural habitats, to take high-quality pictures of them, to preserve and make accessible their complex diversity for scientists around the world.

The World

Science Note: Best To Be Eaten

Seeds that first pass through the digestive tract of a bird may be more likely to avoid predation by fungus and ants, a new study finds. Erin Weeks reports.

Eat-a-Bug Cookbook

Not only should we consider eating insects for environmental reasons; they can also be tasty. David George Gordon has just released an updated version of his Eat-A-Bug Cookbook, brimming with recipes that feature crickets, grasshoppers, ants, spiders, centipedes, and their kin. He joins host Steve Curwood from Seattle.

Ant and Bear Dance

We hear the Lakota Kaiwa Apache story of how the ant and bear dance to separate the day and night.

Close-Up Photos of Ants Show Species Diversity

Arts, Culture & Media

A team of scientists from California is touring European natural history museums to photograph ant collections. The images are being posted to a free website so anyone can study. Ari Daniel Shapiro of our partner program NOVA reports from London.