American studies

An engraving of William Wells Brown in London. This was published in his book, "Three Years in Europe." No photo of Brown has ever been found.

William Wells Brown may be the most famous 19th century African American writer you’ve never heard of


William Wells Brown was one of the most prominent African American writers in the 19th century. But many people now don’t know who he is.

The World

Russell Simmons on how you can get rich

The World

Helen Thomas retires after nearly 50 years as White House correspondent

Global Politics

First Days: South Asian Americans Share Stories of Their First Days in America

Arts, Culture & Media

New York City’s Biggest Gun Bust

VIDEO: Mongolian mandolin player mixes bluegrass with sounds of his homeland

Arts, Culture & Media

Tom Pang’s blend of bluegrass and traditional Mongolian music has gained him much attention in the Shanghai music scene. Though Pang wasn’t the first to come up with the idea, his affinity for bluegrass and his Mongolian heritage make him a natural fit for the hybrid genre.

Texas senator proposes national Juneteenth holiday to celebrate the end of slavery

Global Politics

The Juneteenth holiday marks the day slavery came to an end in the United States: June 19, 1865. Though 41 states recognize Juneteenth as a state holiday, Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison has introduced legislation to make it a national day of observance.

For GOP presidential candidates, a plea for a vote and hawking a book

Global Politics

Many of the Republican presidential candidates are trying to sell a book while they’re on the campaign trail. But, perhaps fnone more than Newt Gingrich, the current front-runner, who has a much newer book than all the rest and who has written an average of two books a year.

Texas rejects bid to issue license plates displaying Confederate Flag

Global Politics

In Texas, the Sons of Confederate Veterans want the state to issue license plates displaying the Confederate Flag. On Thursday, the state said no way, in the wake of protests from minorities who say the flag represents racism.

New book looks at John Brown’s role in starting American Civil War

Global Politics

A new book by Tony Horwitz, an award-winning author and Civil War historian, looks at the history of John Brown and his role in starting the Civil War.