American Enterprise Institute

U.S. faces hurdles if it chooses to extradite NSA leaker Snowden to face criminal charges

Global Politics

The United States government has begun a criminal investigation in response to data program leaker Edward Snowden’s actions. While President Barack Obama declined to address Snowden specifically, in a national TV interview Monday night, he mounted a spirited defense of the NSA surveillance program at large.

Gingrich advisors insist he’s still in it to win, despite tough electoral math

Global Politics

DREAM Act may sway Latino voters in upcoming elections

Global Politics

VIDEO: As voters choose, eyes on Ohio, Georgia in Super Tuesday elections

Global Politics

Recent gas price rise causes a stir in the Presidential Race

Global Politics

Candidates have trouble finding music to use at campaign events

Global Politics

Republicans have had run-ins with songwriters and bands for using their music at campaign events. Mitt Romney got dinged for using a K’Naan song, while Newt Gingrich was asked to stop using “Eye of the Tiger.”

Climate change a political hot potato for presidential candidates

Global Politics

Back in 2008, climate change was an issue Sen. John McCain and then-Sen. Barack Obama mostly agreed on. It was real and needed to be dealt with. Today, it’s an issue that Obama and his Republican challengers agree shouldn’t be talked about. Thus are the politics of climate change in a time of economic stagnation.

As Florida polls shift, Romney and Gingrich battle over immigration stance

Global Politics

In the latest polls, Mitt Romney is back on top with time running out until Florida voters cast ballots on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich and Romney are tangling over immigration, seeking to gain the upper hand.

With Gingrich surging, Romney brings advantages into Florida ‘dogfight’

Global Politics

Newt Gingrich picked up a double-digit victory in South Carolina over one-time frontrunner Mitt Romney on Saturday. With less than a week to go, the election turns toward Florida, where Romney may be able to use his campaign war chest to his advantage. But Gingrich is already surging.

VIDEO: With S.C. Primary looming, voters have much to think about

Global Politics

It’s been a busy week in politics. Candidates have dropped out (Rick Perry), ex-wives have stepped forward (Marianne Gingrich) and tax returns have been discussed (Mitt Romney). Oh and Stephen Colbert would like you to support Herman Cain. Come Saturday, voters will have a lot upon which to base their election decisions.