
A close up of hands holding a bourbon bottle and a bottle of hand and surface sanitizer

Iconic distilleries turn to hand sanitizer production around the world


Many places around the world are synonymous with their alcoholic beverage of choice — German beer, Kentucky bourbon, London dry gin. Now, many producers are adding hand sanitizer to their production line.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Philip Seymour Hoffman’s tragic death is an ominous sign of heroin’s expanding reach

Conflict & Justice

Canada’s First Nations communities wrecked by OxyContin addiction

Health & Medicine
The World

Environmental Health Note/Benefits of Vitamin C

The World

Health Update

The World

When a solution becomes a problem: doctors and lawmakers on opiate painkillers

Conflict & Justice

Today an FDA advisory panel meets with lawmakers to hammer out voluntary best practices for doctors who prescribe opiates. But in loosening restrictions for such cases, the FDA opened a window for wider prescriptions — and for abuse.

The World

Geneticists solve a beta blocker puzzle


It was a medical enigma: Why do many black patients respond differently to a class of heart drugs called beta blockers? Researchers now say a genetic variant allows 40 percent of black patients to produce their own version of the drugs. Dr. Stephen Liggett tells The Takeaway about his study and the potential impacts on health care.