It’s a demand that Indigenous activists have been demanding for years. But it may be too early to call it a victory. “…Until we actually see what that replacement is, I think it’s probably too early to celebrate,” said Tristan Ahtone, president of the Native American Journalists Association. “The team still could come back with native-themed imagery.”
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is THE iconic movie about American politics because its story is one that Americans have always wanted to believe about their democracy: that no matter how venal and corrupt politics can be, a virtuous, innocent man like Jimmy Stewart’s Mr. Smith — a small-town nobody picked by cynical powerbrokers to […]
Every couple of years a group in Washington DC takes over a giant space,such asan abandoned warehouse, and fills itwithworks by more than 700 artists. The project is called Art-o-Matic. We discovered that a great number of the paintings at Art-o-Matic are pictures of people not wearing clothes. Produced by Richard Paul.
The National Museum of the American Indian opens in just a few days on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The building itself is strikingly different from the marble halls that surround it, and its grounds evoke Native landscapes right in the center of Washington — with 28,000 plants trucked in from all over the […]