Lawrence Wright

A TSA agent wears a black ribbon over his badge during a memorial service for a slain colleague.

How the fight against terrorism has transformed America since 9/11


Journalist Lawrence Wright told the story of al-Qaeda’s rise and the planning of 9/11. Now, he’s worried that Washington’s reaction to terrorism is robbing a generation of basic freedoms.

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a live televised address to the nation on his plans for military action against the Islamic State on September 10, 2014.

In dealing with ISIS, Obama could take cues from the Camp David Accords

Global Politics

Osama Bin Laden’s Hollywood ending

Global Politics
The World

Lawrence Wright: Making Scientology Clear

Conflict & Justice

Egypt: A Democratic Example Would Pound ‘A Stake Through the Heart of Al-Qaeda’

Global Politics

The meaning of Bin Laden for America

Global Politics

The World’s Marco Werman explores what Osama Bin Laden has represented for Americans and what his death says ultimately about the American people.