David Krasnow

American Icons: John Henry

This is America’s cautionary tale about working too hard. In the ballad, told countless times over more than a century, the railroad worker John Henry wins a race against a new steam-powered drill, but the victory is Pyrrhic: he collapses, saying “Give me a cool drink of water before I die.” “Did he win? Did […]

The World

American Icons: Warhol’s Soup Cans

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

American Icons: Jimi Hendrix’s ‘Star-Spangled Banner’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World


Arts, Culture & Media
The World

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Conflict & Justice
The World

Aha Moment: The Dream Syndicate

Arts, Culture & Media

For more than fifteen years Sam Coomes led the band Quasi along with the drummer Janet Weiss – who has been his ex-wife for most of that time. Coomes tells the story of how he found his calling as a rock musician. It all began at a West Coast performance by the rock band The […]

The World

Bill Frisell Scores Buster Keaton

Arts, Culture & Media

Old-timey piano music isn’t the only way to watch the silent films of Buster Keaton. A new DVD features three Keaton classics with gorgeous and strange music by acclaimed jazz guitarist Bill Frisell. Frisell tells Studio 360’s David Krasnow about his awe for Keaton and his attempt to capture the emotion of each scene.

The World

Warhol’s Soup Cans

Arts, Culture & Media

Andy Warhol’s paintings of Campbell’s soup cans might be more recognizable than any other American artwork – and that’s just what he intended. They helped banish the solemnity of painters like Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, and established him as an artist despite his limited abilities. But why did Warhol start painting them? And […]

The World

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Arts, Culture & Media

Chimamanda Adichie is an award-winning Nigerian author whose writing has brought Nigerian history to global audiences. She explains the role Achebe has played in her work, and what it is like being compared to such an eminent figure. Produced by David Krasnow and Chloe Plaunt.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

This is an American revolution set down on the page. When Malcolm X was assassinated at 39, his book nearly died with him.   Today The Autobiography of Malcolm X – a favorite of President Obama and Justice Clarence Thomas alike – stands as a milestone in America’s struggle with race. The Autobiography is also a […]