Augusto Pinochet

candlelight vigil

What the 1973 coup means for Chileans today — 50 years later

Conflict & Justice

Five decades after the 1973 coup in Chile that toppled the government of Salvador Allende and brought General Augusto Pinochet to power with help from the US, people in Chile are deeply divided about what the coup anniversary means today.

A large crowd of people a shown celebrating in the Sabtiago's Plaza Italia banging on instruments and carrying flags.

Chilean voters back rewriting their constitution

Protests in Chile

Protesters’ victory: A chance to change Chile’s constitution

Police officers are seen behind barricade tape guarding an area where a bomb exploded in Santiago September 8, 2014. The words on the yellow tape read, "Do not pass."

Each new bomb attack in Chile brings reminders of the Pinochet era of repression

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has released a new book called World Order.

Henry Kissinger would not have supported the Iraq War if he’d known what he knows now

Global Politics
Actress Sissy Spacek and director Costa Gavras talk before the start of the Charles Horman Truth Project 2002 Human Rights Awards in New York City. Gavras directed and Spacek starred in the film "Missing."

American journalist Charles Horman was murdered with the help of the US government, a Chilean court finds

Conflict & Justice

The 40-year-old murder of journalist Charles Horman inspired the Oscar-winning film “Missing.” Now, a court in Chile has ruled American intelligence services aided in his execution.

Actress Sissy Spacek and director Costa Gavras talk before the start of the Charles Horman Truth Project 2002 Human Rights Awards in New York City. Gavras directed and Spacek starred in the film "Missing."

American journalist Charles Horman was murdered with the help of the US government, a Chilean court finds

Conflict & Justice

The 40-year-old murder of journalist Charles Horman inspired the Oscar-winning film “Missing.” Now, a court in Chile has ruled American intelligence services aided in his execution.

Check out these four ‘must see’ foreign films of 2013

Arts, Culture & Media

Matt Holzman, host of the screening series “First Take” on KCRW in Los Angeles, shares his four favorite foreign films of 2013 — and the reasons he loves each one.

Why do we love conspiracy theories?

Lifestyle & Belief

Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen — especially if you spend much time on the internet. And they are not unique to Americans. Researchers now have some clues about why conspiracy theories are so popular, and persistent.

Soccer match that disgraced Chile recalled 40 years later

Global Politics

Chile’s military coup happened 40 years ago on Wednesday — Sept. 11, 1973. The brutal repression imprisoned thousands, including some in the national soccer stadium. That soccer stadium would play a pivotal role in the coup, from the early days of the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.