
On the cover of the latest issue of Tok Tok, recurring characters in the alt-comix zine come together to wish each other a Happy Valentine's Day. Tok Tok was founded by collective of Egyptian millennial cartoonists two weeks before the January 2011 Egypti

How a ‘millennial Mad Magazine’ thrives in a tightening Egypt

Global Politics

Imagine if Robert Crumb and Art Spiegelman were asked to draw a Disney comic. Well, that’s how some people describe Cairo’s cutting-edge alt-zine TokTok, a millennial triumph which is prospering despite Egypt’s increasingly repressive politics.

In February, 2014, following two weeks of terror attacks in Egypt, including massive car bombs, Anwar drew this cartoon with blood flowing out of a cracked television screen to illustrate the deadly news being delivered in every broadcast. The homeowner i

Two cartoonists in Egypt push the boundaries of what’s acceptable and find a ready audience

In February, 2014, following two weeks of terror attacks in Egypt, including massive car bombs, Anwar drew this cartoon with blood flowing out of a cracked television screen to illustrate the deadly news being delivered in every broadcast. The homeowner i

Two cartoonists in Egypt push the boundaries of what’s acceptable and find a ready audience