
US authorities arrest a former Syrian official in Los Angeles

Conflict & Justice

Samir Ousman al-Sheikh, an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, was arrested at the airport on his way out of the US this week. The World’s host Carolyn Beeler discussed the significance of the move with Mouaz Mustafa, who played a key role in his detention.

A man walks next to heavily damaged buildings and destroyed cars following Russian attacks in Bakhmut, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, May 24, 2022.

Ukrainian doctors train for the possibility of a chemical attack from Russia

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad heads a cabinet meeting, in Damascus, Syria

Report: Syrian government manipulates exchange rates to pocket aid money

A Syrian grocery shop in Istanbul sells brands that are familiar to Syrian customers, such as canned meats and condensed milk.

Syrian refugees and migrants in Turkey face a difficult decision to return home 

A group of people protest and carry a heart-shaped sign that says "Refugees welcome here."

Denmark revokes residency permits of some Syrian refugees

Several people are shown preparing meals next to a large pile of rubble and a line of water bottles.

Busy Damascus cemetery points to higher pandemic death toll in Syria


The sprawling Najha cemetery outside Damascus, resting place for thousands of dead from Syria’s wars, is struggling to cope with a surge in victims from the country’s latest conflict — the largely unacknowledged battle with COVID-19.

Dr. Amani Ballour treats an injured baby in Feras Fayyad’s documentary “The Cave.”

This doctor treated hundreds in an underground hospital in Syria known as ‘The Cave’

Faced with casualties from frequent airstrikes as Syrian forces laid siege to Eastern Ghouta, an area in the suburbs of Damascus, Dr. Amani Ballour helped set up an underground hospital.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Baghdadi’s death is a huge blow to ISIS, but history suggests it won’t guarantee a safer world

Common sense would suggest the world is indeed now a much safer place with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s passing. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee this will prove to be true in practice. 

Portrait of foreign correspondent and author Sam Dagher.

How Syria’s Assad regime clings to power


Throughout Syria’s war, President Bashar al-Assad has managed to stay in power through “ruthless desire to rule and perpetuate the reign of this family,” says Sam Dagher, foreign correspondent and author of a new book on the Assad family.

Older women hold a cartoon graphic depicting Donald Trump and a Turkish tank.

Does US withdrawal leave Syria open to Russia?

In a Twitter thread, US President Donald Trump said the US withdrawal from Syria would be a thorn in the side of Russia and China, who “love to see us bogged down, watching over a quagmire, & spending big dollars to do so.” But analysts disagree.