asylum seekers

A new wave of Kurds fleeing Turkey bring their own sound to Nashville’s Music City


Nashville has been a popular destination for Kurdish refugees in the US. Today, Kurdish newcomers are trying to preserve their culture. Community centers and associations are helping new arrivals maintain a connection to their heritage while navigating life in a new country.

Newly arriving Jewish refugee from the Nazi Holocaust wave from the ship "S.S. Awarea" as it pulls into Haifa port on April 6, 1948.

Deporting asylum-seekers without giving them a chance to make their case would violate US and international laws

Jamal is a Syrian refugee living in Tokyo. He's made friends there and learned Japanese. But he misses Syrian food.

Meet one of the handful of Syrians granted asylum in Japan

Global Politics
A view of hands on the window of a prison cell door

Poor health care in immigrant detention centers may get worse under Trump

Global Politics
Front of building with sign for Prairieland Detention Center

President Trump, how will you handle cases of abuse at privately run prisons and immigration detention centers?

Woman with large green card poster yells

#7. @realdonaldtrump: In addition to undocumented immigrants, are you prioritizing deportation of lawful US residents? #100Days100Qs

Global Politics

We know that legal permanent residents can be deported for all types of crimes, big and small. Is it the president’s intention to put resources into deporting immigrants who are here with valid documents?

Front of building with sign for Prairieland Detention Center

In a small Texas town, a new private detention center for transgender migrants brings jobs — and concerns


In Texas, a new immigration detention facility will house only transgender migrants. The hitch is, the last time they tried this, the contract was not renewed because of abuses.

Somali refugees

Three Somali journalists on Lesbos hope for the best — asylum in Europe


Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis make up the majority of the refugee population stuck on Lesbos and other Greek islands. So the Africans there to seek asylum are often overlooked.

Moms go on a hunger strike to get themselves and their kids out of immigration detention


After two weeks of skipping meals, the women are taking a short break. But they say will resume if the government does not consider their pleas to be released.

Obaidullah Naseri and Mortaza Behboudi at the Migrants' ball in Paris. Behboudi, right, is an Afghan journalist who sought aslyum in France.

Paris hosts a ‘Migrant Ball,’ but it wasn’t just for migrants


A volunteer group in Paris wanted to send a different message about migrants and refugees in public spaces. So they organized a dance party on the street.