The NFL Gone Literary

Studio 360

It’s not every year that Studio 360 takes an interest in the Super Bowl. Then again, as Kurt Andersensays, it’s not ever year that we have a game “between a team named for an 1849 money frenzy and a team named for a poem by a frenzied writer whodiedin 1849.” Nice, Kurt.

360’s resident English-major-slash-pro-football-fan,John DeLorerevelsin the irony of “a professional football team named after a bird in a poem by a slender, alcoholic poet who died after being found face down in a Baltimore gutter.” Nice, John.

We asked you to come up with literary-themed names for the remaining 31 NFL franchises on Twitter, Facebook, and here on the site. As usual, you didn’t disappoint. In just a few days, we had enough names to complete our very own literary league. Thanks to all who participated! Now who’s ready to design logos and mascots?

Ladies and gentlemen, your Literary National Football League:

Honorable Mentions:

  • Chicago Hog-Butchers (@greenfield64)
  • Chicago Big Shoulders (Garth Moore)
  • Cleveland Splendor (Jason)
  • Kansas City Papas (@ChloDubs)
  • San Francisco Howlers (Ellen Kiernan)
  • St. Louis Corrections (@dicebourbon)
  • Tennessee Williamses (@okrent)
  • Tennessee Loony Lawmakers (@katybran)
  • Tennessee Holy Rollers (@katybran)
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