Chinese New Year 2012: The Year of the Dragon

The World

Despite hours of waiting and traveling in cramped trains and buses, people all over China are reuniting with their families and celebrating the New Lunar Year.

Today marks the beginning of an especially special year, the year of the dragon, which is considered the luckiest and strongest of all 12 Chinese zodiac animals.

More from GlobalPost: Chinese New Year of the Dragon promises good luck, babies

The dragon is the only mythical creature among the 12 zodiac animals and is a symbol associated with emperors of ancient China, symbolizing imperial power and intelligence.

Not surprisingly, Asia expects a dragon baby boom this year.

However, there is a deadline, reports The Telegraph.

May 2 is considered the last day to conceive if parents want to deliver a child in the Year of the Dragon, which ends next Feb. 9.

Famous dragon babies include Joan of Arc, John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Bill Clinton, and Salvador Dali.

Below is a glimpse of the New Year ceremonies in Beijing:

RAW VIDEO: Elaborate New Year Ceremony in Beijing

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