India Armed and Dangerous: Update

The World

A second-year college student was shot at by unidentified persons near her college in south Delhi this morning, NDTV quotes local police as saying.

The incident outside Ramlal Anand College in Dhaula Kuan at around 10:20 am came on a day when the city was celebrating the International Women's Day.

The irony wasn't lost of Indian tweeters. But like all such tragedies, what you make of it will depend mostly on where you stand on gun rights and gun control, as illustrated by the testimony of sources and the online reaction to the South Asia Journalists' Association-sponsored print / video series that I did with Poh Si Teng called India: Armed and Dangerous.

And, according to Open Magazine, episodes of gun violence like this one, along with the general climate of fear, has lots of Indian women hoping for a license to pack heat.

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