Every 15 cigarettes you smoke cause a tumor, a new quit-smoking advertising campaign in England says. The ads, launched December 28, 2012, feature graphic images of cancer growing inside cigarettes.
England is helping smokers maintain their New Year’s resolutions with graphic new ads that suggest your body creates a mutation with every 15 cigarettes you smoke.
The new televised ads show a man smoking in his backyard while sipping his morning coffee. A pink, fleshy, cancerous tumor bubbles from his cigarette with each drag.
“One in two smokers dies from smoking, most from cancer,” Chief Medical Officer Sally Davies told The Telegraph.
“We know that people don’t personalize the harms of smoking and don’t understand what’s happening in their bodies. This will show them.”
The nine-week campaign launched Friday cost English taxpayers $4.3 million, The Guardian reported.
British doctors hope to give smokers motivation to see their New Year’s resolutions through to completion.
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“The problem is that smokers tend to underestimate their risk and also think of the risks and benefits as being far in the future,” Martin Dockrell, head of policy at Action on Smoking and Health, said at the Guardian.co.uk.
“This campaign has been designed to show smokers graphically how every extra cigarette adds to the risk of cancer.”
Eight years ago, the UK saw tremendous success from its “fatty cigarette” ads that linked smoking to dripping, clogged arteries.
This is the first large-scale campaign since then, BBC said.
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