Kansas high school senior Emma Sullivan is feeling the heat after tweeting some negativity about the state governor.
Dorothy isn’t the only one who gets in trouble in Kansas.
Kansas teenager Emma Sullivan got in trouble last week when she wrote a disrespectful tweet towards Gov. Sam Brownback and her principal demanded she apologize. But Sullivan refused and told the Associated Press she is not sorry and an apology letter wouldn’t be sincere.
Brownback visited Shawnee Mission East High School for a mock legislative assembly a part of the Kansas Youth in Government last Monday, the Wichita Eagle reported. During the assembly, Sullivan, a senior, tweeted,
“Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot”
But like Anthony Weiner, Sullivan didn’t get away with her Twitter activity. The next day she was called into the principal’s office and told that the tweet was flagged by someone on the governor’s staff, who then told the organizers of the Youth in Government, the Wichita Eagle reported. Even though Sullivan made no actual comments to Brownback, her apology is still due Monday, Nov. 28.
Following the scuffle with the governor, Sullivan’s twitter followers grew from 60 to over 3,500, the Kansas City Star reported. She is now receiving a ton of support from followers, who say she shouldn’t be targeted, the AP reported. Just a few days later she tweeted thanks to her supporters.
Sullivan said the principal “laid into her” about the tweet, the Wichita Eagle reported. “He said I had created this huge controversy and everyone was up in arms about it … and now he had to do damage control.” The principal then order her to write apology letters to Brownback, the Youth in Government sponsor and the district’s social studies coordinator.
But with a rebel yell, it doesn’t look like this Kansas teen is apologizing for her tweet. Her latest tweet of defiance read,
“‘First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." -Gandhi’”
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