"Girl Model," a documentary playing in New York during Fashion Week, is causing quite a stir for its unforgiving portrayal of the international modeling industry.
Debuting earlier this year at the South By Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, the film follows the journey of a 13-year-old Siberian girl who's plucked from her home and sent to Japan with promises of a lucrative modeling career.
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Nadya Vall is hopeful she can provide for her poor family, but instead leaves the Asian country $2,000 in debt.
The film, directed by Ashley Sabin and David Redmon, also follows Ashley Arbaugh, a former-model-turned-model-scout whose job it is to scour Siberia looking for fresh talent for the Japanese market.
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"Girl Model" highlights the exploitative nature of the modeling industry and raises questions about the industry's working conditions and hiring practices.
Rachel Blais, a 26-year-old model who acted as an industry liaison for the directors, told the Fashionista blog that the film documents a harsh reality.
“These [young] girls are getting abused, whether it’s financial, sexual or emotional,” she said.