Who would you rather have dinner with, President Obama or Mitt Romney?
A new ABC News poll shows 52 percent of registered voters would rather have Obama over for dinner, than Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who was picked by only 33 percent.
When asked which candidate would do a better job taking care for them if they got sick, those Americans polled, again, choose Obama "to nurse them back to health" over Romney by 49-36 percent.
The president also scored high when Americans were asked who they thought would "make a more loyal friend." 50 percent thought Obama would be more loyal through the hard times, with just 36 percent favoring Romney.
However, ABC News poll chief Gary Langer said Romney does much better in response to the important question: which candidate would Americans rather have "as the captain of a ship in a storm." In response to that question, Romney polls just three points behind the president in a margin of 43-46 percent.
Langer said Obama consistently comes across as more empathetic and "better understands the economic problems people are having, and [voters] continue to rate him as more personally likeable."
Fox News reported these latest numbers come as Obama is seeing a bounce after the Democratic National Convention.
Overall, the Obama-Biden ticket tops the Romney-Ryan ticket by 48 to 43 percent among likely voters according to the latest Fox News poll.