They’re just kids, but these Syrian protesters compare Assad to ISIS

The World
Children carry banners inside a cage during a protest against forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad near Damascus, February 15, 2015.

Seeing The News: It's pretty safe to assume these children didn't come up with their protest all on their own. But the message they're sending is clear — those orange suits are just like the ones worn by victims of ISIS and that Bashar al-Assad's forces are treating residents in Syria the same.

Terrorists won't stop Rose Monday

One procession for the annual carnivals in across Germany was canceled Sunday because of a terror alert. And officials banned a planned float for another carnival parade paying tributed to the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. But mostly the celebrations for Rose Monday seemed to go off without a hitch. While the Hebdo tribute didn't fly, another poignant design shows just how much ISIS has grabbed attention in the West.

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Tell your story

The brutal murder of Özgecan Aslan has sparked protests across Turkey. 20-year-old university student's burned body was found in a riverbed on February 11 and now a suspect has been arrested. The protests that are sweeping social media are centered around a few hashtags including one prominent one: #sendeanlat (Tell your story). BBC's Trending desk created this visual to illustrate the activity.

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Wearing protection

She maybe mostly covered for religious reasons, but in this instance, a protester's burka didn't cover enough.

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Cyclists 'die in'

Rounding out a protest-themed Seeing The News is a die in. Cyclists in London laid down on the ground in a vigil recently to Akis Kollaros, who was killed in a collision with a truck. A group called Stop the Killing, organized the die in in an effort to raise awareness about number of cyclists killed in London every year and also to call for a safer road network more suited for cyclists and pedestrians.

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