Paul introduced Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney, Independent Ralph Nader, and the Constitution Party’s Chuck Baldwin. Paul said they’re not minor candidates.
REP. RON PAUL (R-TX): "Who’s the majority? There is no doubt in my mind that the majority is on our side. We represent the majority of the American people."
Libertarian Bob Barr, who could siphon some conservative voters away from Republican John McCain, backed out at the last minute because Ron Paul refused to endorse any one candidate. Barr, along with the other three candidates, had signed on united statement of principles on foreign policy, privacy, the national debt, and the Federal Reserve.
Meanwhile, Ralph Nader led the crusade for the third party candidates to be allowed into the major presidential debates.
RALPH NADER: "Why are we rationing debates in this country? We’ve got to break the grip of this so-called debate commission, which is really a private company created by the two parties to exclude all competition."
Paul said John McCain had called him yesterday and wanted his endorsement. He refused.
This story filed for KUT News by "Capitol News Connection."
Created by Bureau Chief and Executive Producer Melinda Wittstock, Capitol News Connection provides insightful, localized coverage of participating stations’ congressional delegations.
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