Pennsylvania elections barometer for national mood?

The World

Two key political contests slated for next Tuesday in Pennsylvania may offer some insight into whether a growing anti-incumbent sentiment will be enough to shift the political landscape nationwide.

In Pennsylvania’s Democratic primary, Senator Arlen Specter, who defected from the Republican Party one year ago, faces a stiff challenge from Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Penn). A fierce ad campaign has hit Specter where it hurts: in his Democratic bona fides. Sestak used old footage of former President George W. Bush praising Specter to remind voters of Specter’s old allegiances.

In Pennsylvania’s 12th District, a special election to fill the seat of recently-deceased Congressman John P. Murtha has turned into a fierce ? and close ? fight between democrat Mark Critz, a former Murtha aide and Republican businessman Tim Burns. As Burns attempts to turn southeastern Penn. into a national battleground, Critz fights to keep the campaign local.

We talk with Chris Satullo, Executive News Director at WHYY in Philadelphia, along with Chip Minemyer, Editor in Chief of the Johnstown Tribune Democrat.

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