The latest on Chicago’s David vs. Goliath labor struggle

The World

Workers occupying Chicago’s Republic Windows and Doors factory make progress in talks with Bank of America.

“Bank of America ? they get billions of dollars out of our pockets, out of our taxes and basically we’re paying them to get us fired.” –Raul Flores on the labor negotiations

An on-going story out of Chicago may be drawing to a close this morning. It’s the David vs. Goliath tale of workers at Chicago’s Republic Windows and Doors factory who were laid off from their jobs when Bank of America axed the company’s credit line. Rather than admitting defeat, some 200 employees decided to occupy the factory floor?and Bank of America came to the bargaining table.

Negotiations between the bank and the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers’ Union continued late into Tuesday night, but the union is emphatic that there is still no deal and the workers are still sitting in. The Takeaway talks to Raul Flores, an eight-year employee of the company.

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