Adaora Udoji

This is not the Nigeria I know


Commentary: On this Mother’s Day, my mind remains on the 276 girls who were ferociously kidnapped from their boarding school in Nigeria.

The World

Healthcare reform faces hurdles

Global Politics
The World

Melamine-tainted milk goes on trial in China

Conflict & Justice
The World

The connection between the housing crisis and American debt

The World

Citigroup to cut one in every seven employees

The World

Adaora Udoji: A fond farewell

Arts, Culture & Media

Co-host Adaora Udoji is leaving The Takeaway to spend more time with her new daughter. And she wanted to say farewell and thanks to all of you.

The World

Iraq prepares for upcoming provincial elections

Global Politics

The Takeaway talks to Andrew North, Baghdad Correspondent for the BBC, and Marina Ottoway, the Director of the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, for a road map of the upcoming elections.

The World

Tsunami of layoffs hits global economy

In the latest indication of plummeting corporate confidence, companies in almost every industry from construction to pharmaceuticals have announced massive job cuts worldwide. The Takeaway talks to Jim Ellis, assistant managing editor at Business Week.

The World

Kids of the crack generation


Scientists are finding that despite the rampant drug use, the predicted generation of damaged children never appeared as a result of crack cocaine use by expectant mothers. We are joined by Susan Okie, a New York Times reporter.

The World

Stimulus package may not help the states that need it the most

Global Politics

How much good will President Obama’s stimulus plan do for the states that are hurting the most? ProPublica’s Michael Grabell and The Takeaway’s Andrea Bernstein are here to discuss the implications.