Shane Bauer (left) and Joshua Fattal (Photo: @freethehikers/Twitter)
Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal who had been given eight-year jail terms by Iran for spying have been released on bail. The two Americans left Evin prison in a diplomatic convoy for Tehran airport from where they were flown out of the country. They were arrested in 2009 after crossing into Iran from Iraq, where they said they were hiking, and were sentenced in September this year. More…
A third American, Sarah Shourd — who was arrested with them — was freed on bail last year on humanitarian grounds and returned home.
Lisa Mullins talks with Haleh Esfandiari about the news that American hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal have been freed from Evin Prison in Iran. Esfandiari herself spent four months in solitary confinement in Evin Prison in 2007.
After Sarah Shourd’s release Lisa Mullins talked with Sarah, as well as Laura Fattal and Cindy Hickey, the mothers of Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer (September 2010). More…
In July 2010 Marco Werman talked with Shane Bauer’s mother Cindy Hickey and Sarah Shourd’s mother Nora Shourd. More…