Typically people are stumped when they have to answer a question, but what about freezing up when you have to ask one? It’s a peculiar condition that descends on David Carr?who runs the Carpetbagger blog for the New York Times?when he covers the Oscar’s red carpet fanfare and finds himself face-to-face with celebrities. In a recent post, Carr describes his Red Carpet clutching this way: ?It’s not that he doesn’t try? he really, really does? but it’s just that best intentions are frequently overmatched by the circumstance. ?How hard can it be?’ he can hear people sniggering up their sleeves. Hard.? This year, Carr has thrown out an SOS, soliciting his readers for questions. We’ve also taken up the cause, asking you to post questions on our website. Carr joins us now from West Hollywood to go over the most germane or hilarious questions that have come his way?questions he may very well pose to Angelina Jolie or Frank Langella.