Michael Fox

Michael Fox is a Latin America-based audio producer and media maker.

Rebeca Andrade leads Brazil’s women’s gymnastics team to the Olympics

Brazil is sending 274 athletes to the Paris Olympics this week. It’s the largest delegation from a Latin American country. The majority of the athletes are women. One of the biggest stars from Brazil is an athlete who has helped build enthusiasm for women’s gymnastics across the country and the globe.

Brazilian table tennis star headed to Olympics and Paralympics

As winter arrives in the southern hemisphere, Brazilians celebrate ‘June Festivals’

Lifestyle & Belief

As flood waters drop, Brazil faces a waterborne disease outbreak

Natural disasters

A city in southern Brazil is forced to adapt after floods shut down a major airport


‘They’ve hidden the past from us’: New bill in Honduras seeks to rectify 1980s human rights violations

Human rights

In Honduras, family members of the victims of state violence in the 1980s have been marching for 40 years to demand justice for the disappearance and death of their loved ones. Now, there’s a chance they may see reparations. An unprecedented bill that would provide compensation for the family members of the victims is working its way through Congress.

Floodwaters in southern Brazil remain a threat​​


Large parts of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil are still waterlogged three weeks after heavy rains flooded the state. Local and federal governments have promised to rebuild homes and businesses. But people are still digging out and, as Michael Fox reports, more rain is in the forecast.

Heavy flooding in Brazil’s south creates havoc for residents

Southern Brazil is facing the worst climate disaster in its history. Unprecedented floods have engulfed major Rio Grande do Sul cities, including the capital, Porto Alegre, where 135,000 people have been pushed from their homes, and there is still little end in sight.

payment screen with options for credit, debit and Pix

Brazil’s innovative Pix banking system is replacing cash and credit cards

Arts, Culture & Media

PIX is a three-year-old system developed by the Brazilian Central Bank that has revolutionized how Brazilians pay for things. It’s like sending an instant wire transfer through the banking app on your phone with the click of a button, and no fees. Michael Fox reports from Florianópolis, Brazil, on how the banking app has changed Brazilian society in just three years.

A convoy of Brazilian army troops, tanks and other vehicles pauses on the way to Rio de Janeiro, on April 1, 1964, after conspirators in the country's military high command overthrew the government and forced Brazilian President João Goulart to flee. 

Brazil remembers the 1964 coup and victims of the dictatorship 


Brazil is remembering the 1964 coup that began on March 31 that year. The event 60 years ago sunk Brazil into a brutal 21-yearlong dictatorship that would last until 1985. Today, the country is still grappling with the meaning and memory of what happened.