CDC Director on Zika, The Politics of Julian Assange, Helping Women in Congo

The Takeaway

Coming up on today’s show:

  • Members of Congress left for summer recess without approving additional funding to fight Zika. Now, the Centers for Disease Control is running out of money to combat the virus. Dr. Thomas Frieden, director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, discusses the crisis at hand. 
  • The Senate was scheduled to vote on a $1.1 billion funding package to fight the Zika virus last night, but Democrats moved against the bill, which blocked Planned Parenthood from receiving funding for contraceptives aimed at battling the disease. Zika is sexually transmitted, in addition to being spread by mosquitoes. Can members of Congress reach an agreement? For answers, we turn to Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich.
  • Dr. Chrystelle Wedi was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and is now working to bring ultrasounds to pregnant women in remote areas of the DRC, along with testing for malaria, HIV, and anemia. She’s the co-founder of the Ona Mtoto Wako Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and joins The Takeaway to share her story. 
  • On Wednesday, a U.N. body announced that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe must have a say in the construction of a $3.8 billion oil pipeline that could disturb sacred sites on Sioux lands and affect drinking water. The pipeline would pass through several states, and hundreds of members of the Sioux and neighboring tribes have protested its construction in recent weeks. Stephanie Tsosie, associate attorney at Earth Justice and co-council representing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, explains.
  • Last week, WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange promised to release information linked to the Hillary Clinton campaign just before the election. Once considered to be a bastion of transparency by many on the left, the image of WikiLeaks has evolved drastically in this election cycle. Charlie Beckett, director of Polis at the London School of Economics, and Alex Gibney, a documentary filmmaker and director of “We Steal Secrets: the Story of WikiLeaks,” weigh in. 
  • On Wednesday, Apple will reveal its latest iPhone. Many expect that the device will be faster, thinner, have a better camera, and could potentially come without a headphone jack. It’s a new gadget that many will rush out to buy, but how are consumers faring in a market monopolized by Apple? Mike Isaac, technology correspondent for our partners at The New York Times, reports.
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