Sandro Contenta


Sandro Contenta writes a weekly column on Canada for GlobalPost. Contenta has been a staff reporter with the Toronto Star, Canada’s biggest circulation daily since 1981. In 1998, he was appointed its Middle East bureau chief, covered the second Palestinian intifada and reported regularly from Iran, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq. In 2002, Contenta was appointed the paper’s London-based, European bureau chief and wrote extensively about the challenges the continent faces integrating its largely marginalized Muslim population. He has covered wars in Kosovo, Iraq and Lebanon, conflicts in Yemen, and bloodless revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia. As the Star’s Montreal correspondent throughout the 1990s, he covered Quebec’s separatist movement and the 1995 referendum that almost triggered the breakup of Canada. A former education beat reporter, Contenta is the author of the book, "Rituals of Failure: What Schools Really Teach." 

After Keystone pipeline, Canada’s other oil project

Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants US out of oil-sands pipeline debate.

Harper’s pension-cutting plan has Canada on edge

Canada’s Nixon moment

The World

For Which It Stands: Canada

The World

Meet Harper

The World

The fate of Canada’s unicorns of the sea

What narwhals can teach us about the climate change tipping point.

The World

Do you know where your oil comes from?

Canadians most certainly do. But it’s not a pretty sight.

The World

The dark side


After recent fights result in death and injury, Canada debates its tradition of hockey violence.

The World

“Buy American” doesn’t play well in Canada

Agence France-Presse

Amid rising unemployment, a provision in the US stimulus package unleashes fury.

The World

Obama’s helpful guide to Canada

Agence France-Presse

In advance of Obama’s first official foreign trip, Sandro Contenta offers some pointers for the new U.S. president.