The northern Mexican State of Chihuahua is one of Mexico’s most violent. But Christian Mennonites, who above all are pacifists, are also a part of the state’s tapestry. The World’s Lorne Matalon traveled to Chihuahua to meet some of them.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has a high approval rating in his country, but his party isn’t expected to do well in this weekend’s midterm elections. The World’s Lorne Matalon reports.
A mayoral candidate in Mexico has said publicly what just about every Mexican knows to be true � the drug cartels have thoroughly contaminated Mexican politics. But this candidate is caught on tape. The World’s Lorne Matalon reports.
Mexico’s president Felipe Calderon will be watching the upcoming elections very carefully. His party is trying to win Congressional seats and he wants to make sure he has enough support to fight the country’s rampant drug problem. Lorne Matalon reports.
The World’s Lorne Matalon reports from Mexico on rising complaints about human rights abuses by the military. Civilians are getting caught in the crossfire as the Mexican army battles drug lords.
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