Yasser Arafat

Dangers abound for good guys in Syria, and bad guys in Somalia

Global Scan

Disarmament staff of the OPCW are avoiding war in Syria, while a Somali pirate gets lured by stardom. And an international group is having a hard time finding any African leaders to praise, all in today’s Global Scan.

Iranian President Hassan Rohani

Iran and the US learn how to flirt, diplomatically

Global Politics

Arafat’s body exhumed as inquiry into his death ramps up

Yasser Arafat’s widow asks for French investigation into her husband’s death

Mahmoud Abbas’s newfound popularity

Lessons Learned from the Oslo Accords

Today,  as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approves new settlements in the West Bank, and Chairman Mahmoud Abbas succeeds in his pursuit for recognition at the United Nations, Israelis and Palestinians seem further apart than ever before. Yet twenty years ago this month, Palestinians and Israelis managed to come together in secret talks that concluded with the […]

Digging For The Truth: Yasser Arafat Exhumed

Global Politics

The remains of Yasser Arafat was exhumed today to determine if the former Palestinian leader was poisoned. Arafat died eight years ago, allegedly from a stroke.

Middle East Peace Negotiations: There and Back Again

As Hamas and other groups in Gaza continue to launch rockets into Israel, and the Israeli Defense Forces bomb Gaza in turn, it’s hard to remember that there have been moments of reconciliation, and promises of peace, between Arabs and Israelis. American leaders have often taken the lead in these negotiations. In 1979, President Jimmy […]

What Killed Yasser Arafat?

Lifestyle & Belief

The Palestinian Authority says it is willing to have the body of the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat exhumed to investigate the cause of his death.

Popularity Boost for Palestinian Leader Abbas

Global Politics

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is enjoying a popularity boost after his speech at the United Nations.