
trays of printed social security checks from the US Treasury

A proposal to wipe out childhood poverty in the US


A Social Security benefit for the nation’s neediest kids would virtually eradicate poverty for children, says one leading economist.

A tent is seen next to Echo Park Lake in Los Angeles, California, April 11, 2018.

America’s poor becoming more destitute under Trump, UN human rights investigator finds


Greece’s future uncertain after voters reject austerity supporters

Global Politics

Mexico’s anti-poverty program, Oportunidades

How to Fight the Wealth Gap

The World

Spanish Anti-Austerity Protesters Get Creative With Flash Mobs and Carrots

A carrot rebellion is underway at a small Spanish theater in Bescano. One night, instead of selling tickets for a play, the theater sold carrots. For the same price.

The World

Uncertainty in Greece After Anti-Austerity Vote

Global Politics

The EU and Germany have stressed Greece must keep to the terms of the two EU/IMF bailouts, after a surge of voter support for anti-austerity parties.

Poverty and the Social Safety Net

Perhaps it was just a poor choice of words on Mitt Romney’s part. Flush with victory after his win in the Florida primary, Mitt Romney appeared on CNN yesterday morning and said this: “I’m in this race because I care about Americans. I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. […]

The World

Have you been affected by government benefits?

Global Politics

One in six Americans is currently receiving some form of government aid, according to a recent survey by USA Today.
We talk about the impact on individual people, and our future, with Dr. Bob Lerman and Donovan Marsden.

The World

Americans using food stamps more than ever before

Add this to your list of indicators that the recession isn’t over yet: There are now more Americans on food stamps than at any time in history. A discussion on The Takeaway.