Wael Ghonim

VIDEO: Story of Chen Guangcheng resembles Hollywood movie

Chen Guangcheng, who perhaps will be coming to the United States to study law, has a story that seems like it’s come straight out of a Hollywood movie studio. Experts say that’s probably intentional — with Chinese activists becoming more sophisticated about how they can appeal to an American audience.

Former Google Exec Wael Ghonim on Egypt, technology and changing the world


No, Sir, Google and the CIA Are Not the Same

Revolution 2.0: Wael Ghonim and the Egyptian Uprising

Conflict & Justice

Talking Politics on Egyptian TV

Global Politics

A Reluctant Hero for Egyptian Protesters

Arts, Culture & Media

How important is a figure head to the success, or failure, of a revolution? Andrew Nagorski, vice president and director of public policy at the EastWest Institute may have the answer. He has seen his share of regime changes around the world.

Who is Google’s Wael Ghonim?


Google executive Wael Ghonim was released yesterday from Egyptian prison. It turns out that he was one of the main forces behind the Facebook and YouTube campaigns that helped drive protests in Cairo. The Economist’s Max Rodenbeck has more.

Update from Cairo

Conflict & Justice

Tahrir Square continues to be the epicenter of the protests in Egypt, with one of the biggest crowds yet converging on the square. For an update, we hear from the BBC’s Jon Leyne.