
Amsterdam's red-light district remains sparse as many international tourists have stayed away during the pandemic.

Is overtourism over? Travelers to Europe stay home due to COVID-19 restrictions.


Prior to the pandemic, Venice, Prague and Amsterdam had become so saturated with visitors that locals no longer recognized their hometowns. But with COVID-19 restrictions, residents are breathing a sigh of relief while many businesses face unprecedented losses.

A view of the Grand Canal following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Venice, Italy, May 24, 2020.

The canals are clear thanks to the coronavirus, but Venice’s existential threat Is climate change

The San Marco basin in Venice appears placid as a result of the slowdown in activity with the country's lockdown in response to the coronavirus.

The changing face of Venice 


Kurt Goes to Venice

Arts, Culture & Media

Venice prepares for autonomy vote on Sunday

Global Politics

Venetians aren’t all smiles about the cruise ships that visit the city

The city of canals welcomes up to a dozen massive cruise ships a day. They are critical for the city’s economy, but critics say the ships are endangering the fragile canal and the city itself.

Wading in Venice: City Submerged by Flood Waters

Arts, Culture & Media

Parts of Venice, Italy, including the famous San Marco Square, were flooded this week. A high tide forced tourists to wade through the city in knee-high waters. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Rafael Bras, Provost at Georgia Tech.

The World

Billboards adorn historic Venice buildings

Global Politics

Every year, 20 million visitors come to Venice to enjoy the city’s renaissance atmosphere and to see the sights. But now many of Venice’s most famous sites are covered with enormous billboards.

The World

Geo answer

Conflict & Justice

For today’s Geo quiz, we’re looking for an Italian city 30 miles west of Venice. The answer is Padua. Anchor David Baron speaks with political commentator Sergio Romano, who’s in Milan.

The World

The case of Italy’s crucifix

Conflict & Justice

We’re focusing on the region of Italy that includes Venice. That region is named Veneto. This city may not be as beautiful as the city of canals. But it does have some unique claims to fame.