US Supreme Court

President Barack Obama and Judge Merrick Garland

President Obama nominates Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court


Merrick Garland is President Obama’s nominee for the third vacancy on the US Supreme Court during his term, but he will face a tough slog to get confirmed by the US Senate.

Scalia's casket

Loved or hated, Scalia will be remembered for the opinions he wrote

Global Politics

Despite a full life, Justice Scalia died prematurely — by at least one measure

The bench of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia draped in black after his death.

A tie in the Supreme Court is as good as a loss for Obama’s program for undocumented immigrants

Mitch McConnell

Could the Supreme Court be the key in the battle for control of the US Senate?

Global Politics
Antonin Scalia

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dies at the age of 79; Obama will nominate successor

Global Politics

Antonin Scalia, the longest-serving Supreme Court justice and one of its most conservative members, was found dead at a Texas resort of apparent natural causes on Saturday. He was 79.

Juvenile jail

A recent US Supreme Court decision could give this man a chance at a new life


Erik Jensen was 17 when he witnessed a friend kill his mom. That led to a life sentence in prison — but now the US Supreme Court may have given Jensen a chance at eventual release.

Coal fired power plant in Wyoming

The SCOTUS ruling on mercury emissions stops years of momentum


In the US, momentum seemed to be building to take more aggressive steps to address climate change. Then the Supreme Court stepped in. Now — at least as regards limiting toxic mercury levels — it’s back to the drawing board for the EPA.

Flag waves in front of Supreme Court Gay Marriage

Which countries will follow America in legalizing gay marriage?

Global Politics

“This is really setting a trend towards an international movement where 20, 30 years ago the notion that same-sex couples could marry seemed crazy in a lot of places,” says BuzzFeed’s J. Lester Feder.