United States Secretary of Homeland Security

A woman and three men walk next to a fence with razor wire.

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen is the latest departure of the Trump Administration


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has resigned at President Trump’s request. This comes development comes after Trump’s frustration with illegal immigrants and asylum seekers at the Mexican border, which prompted him to recently threaten to close the border. Nielsen oversaw many of Trump’s most controversial immigration policies, including family separations at the border.

Former US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano gives her final official speech at the National Press Club in Washington on August 27, 2013.

Wall would be ‘wasteful and ineffective,’ says former Homeland Security chief Napolitano


VIDEO: Mitt Romney to begin receiving Secret Service protection

Global Politics

With Napolitano’s Exit, New Opportunities for the Department of Homeland Security?

The World

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on new screening technology

The World

Napolitano’s qualifications as Homeland Security chief

Global Politics

Confirmation hearings for members of President-elect Obama’s cabinet continue and in the hot seat today is Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, nominated as Secretary of Homeland Security. Guest: Matt Benson, a political reporter for the Arizona Republic.