United States Department of Energy

Texas wind farm

Congress boosted spending on science and the environment, even as Trump administration tried to cut


Billions of dollars in additional funds for scientific research, including renewable energy research, earth systems observations and sea level monitoring were tucked inside the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending measure that passed on March 23, but the Trump Administration is still working to gut environmental regulations.

Obama still trying to get green team in place

Global Politics
The World

Weatherization Projects

**Web Extra” TVA’s Landmark Decision

The World

Rocky Flats Cleanup

The Budget

President Obama’s 2012 budget requires most federal agencies to tighten their belts. The Department of Energy will see an increase of 12 percent. DOE Secretary Steven Chu says this boost will spur the clean energy innovation critical for future US p

Another Dirty Side of Coal

With coal ash sludge from a TVA power plant oozing over 300 acres of Tennessee, the former head of the agency calls for the phase out of coal.

DOE Accountability

Former Department of Energy advisor Bob Alvarez worked at DOE when workers were exposed to silica at Yucca Mountain. Alvarez talks with host Steve Curwood about why DOE’s contracting system is outdated, and how its worker safety practices would not be tolerated in the private sector, or even other sectors of government.