
Bar owner Cristina Mattioli put up a sign asking patrons not to talk about COVID-19.

At this Roman bar, talk about anything. Just not COVID-19.

The coronavirus pandemic comes with a heavy psychological toll. So, Cristina Mattioli, a bar owner in Rome, banned talking about it to encourage her customers to focus on more positive things.

Yusra, played by Rhianna Merralls, struggles to fall asleep in the play, "Wherever I Lay My Head," performed in London City Hall.

Chronic insomnia plagues young migrants long after they reach their destination

Young boy entering building from sidewalk

‘They didn’t explore the world,’ says physician who cared for toddlers separated from their parents at the border

An illustration of two children with there mother, hand pointing

These asylum-seekers are being forced to raise their kids in immigration ‘jails’

Sebastian Junger, director of the Oscar-nominated war documentary "Restrepo."

Sebastian Junger on PTSD: ‘It’s coming home that’s actually the trauma’

Ane Bjøru Fjeldsæter, an MSF Mental Health Manager from Norway, poses with six-year-old Ebola survivor Patrick.

Ebola forges a bond between a young boy and the psychologist who helped him


With every disease, physical and mental trauma go hand in hand. Ane Bjøru Fjeldsæter, a Norwegian psychologist with Doctors Without Borders, helped treat the latter during her time in Ebola treatment centers in West Africa. That’s where she struck up a friendship with Patrick, a 6-year-old patient.

Doctors David Ghozland and Marc Winter perform a single-site robotic-assisted hysterectomy.

Doctors are ready to test temporary ‘suspended animation’ to save people with severe injuries

Health & Medicine

It may seem ghoulish — pumping people full of cold saltwater to chill them down when they receive severe injuries — but the technique has had stunning success in animal trials and is now moving into its first human tests. The aim is to buy time to treat wounds.

Doctors David Ghozland and Marc Winter perform a single-site robotic-assisted hysterectomy.

Doctors are ready to test temporary ‘suspended animation’ to save people with severe injuries

Health & Medicine

It may seem ghoulish — pumping people full of cold saltwater to chill them down when they receive severe injuries — but the technique has had stunning success in animal trials and is now moving into its first human tests. The aim is to buy time to treat wounds.

Israeli medical experience influential in Boston response to marathon bombings

Health & Medicine

American hospitals don’t have deep experience with injuries from explosions in urban areas. When the hospitals were faced with treating hundreds wounded by the Boston Marathon attacks, they could have been overwhelmed. But they weren’t, in part because of lessons learned by Israel.

The World

Boston Raises Security for July 4th

Conflict & Justice

As Boston raises security for July 4th celebrations, anchor Marco Werman discusses the effects of the heightened security with trauma counselor Lisa Fliegel.